Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Lock, Shock, and Barrel
R auriculatus, better known as gargoyle geckos, come from the islands of New Caledonia. These geckos are becoming increasingly popular as pets. Their head "knobs", unique coloration, relative ease of care, and general docile nature have made them an attractive option for those who want a reptile that is interesting but a bit more hands-off. All three of our gargoyle geckos came to us from LAC Herps. Lock and Shock were bred by LAC Herps; Barrel was first purchased by LAC Herps before we purchased him.
Gargoyle geckos caged together can be quite rough on one another. We could not think of a better way to acknowledge this than to pay homage to the delinquent trio of monsters in "Nightmare Before Christmas".
Lock earned her name on when she escaped her enclosure as a juvenile. She roamed the house at large for three long months. During her escapade, she broke her left front limb. The break left her unable to shed properly and cut off blood flow to her arm. Despite several months of painful recovery, the limb survived! It has minimal function, but Lock can get around and hold her own perfectly. Lock is our most relaxed and friendly gargoyle gecko.
Shock is our most fight-prone gargoyle gecko. No one gets along well with Shock. She is only allowed to meet conspecifics during breeding season - under very careful observation. She is also our most "flighty", and therefore one of the geckos that we are least likely to bring out for those who are less reptile-savvy.
Barrel is the male in our gargoyle trio. He comes from a European line, and considers himself quite the world traveler. (Actually, he has no idea.) His gorgeous bold, red striping, combined with his easy-going attitude (for a gargoyle gecko) make him a great "show-off" animal for friends and family.
Interested in keeping a gargoyle gecko? Below are general parameters for making your gecko comfortable. For more information, Extant Relatives recommends Reptifile's detailed care sheets.
Lifespan: 15+ years
Cage Size: Minimum 18" x 18" x 36" (Taller rather than wider)
Day/Night Hours: 12/12 OR 14/10 (Summer) to 10/14 (Winter)
Active times: Most active at night
Day temps: 70-75 F
Hot Spot: ~85 F
Night temps: ~70 F
Daytime humidity: 50-70%
Nighttime humidity: 80-100%
UVB: Low
Substrate: Organic topsoil or cocofiber (or mix)
Diet: Meal Replacement Powders with vitamin-dusted insects for enrichment.
Decor: Arboreal - branches/vines, cork tubes, plants.
Our setup: ExRe houses gargoyle geckos individually in 20 gal/gecko minimum, vertically-oriented enclosure. These arboreal reptiles spend most of their time exploring cork bark tubes and branches or hiding among potted Pothos vines, spider plants, and other strategically-placed plants. Their enclosure floor consists of cocofiber substrate, a soaking/drinking bowl, and an isopod clean-up crew. Enclsoures are heavily misted 2-4 times per week, depending on the season, to maintain a general humidity of around 70%. Temperatures range from 70F at the bottom of the enclosure to 85F at the top. They use the full range of their enclosures to regulate their temperature and hydration. A single puck light provides enough light for their plants and their day/night cycle. We do not use UVB with our gargoyle geckos, though they are closely monitored and receive Vitamin D supplementation. ExRe's gargs enjoy rotating flavors of Repashy MRP 2-3 times per week. Once every 2 weeks, they gets everyone's favorite flavor: Banana Cream Pie. Environmental enrichment is provided by adding vitamin- and mineral-dusted crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms, waxworms, or silkworms to their diets.

Lock exploring outside of her enclosure, closely supervised. Her minimally-functional left front limb is visible in this photo.

Shock, hoping not to be noticed.